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Modern Languages and Literatures Student Learning Outcomes

  • Written Communication - Students write analytically and critically in the target language on topics of literary and cultural significance. They read and understand a variety of texts, and can express themselves accurately and with nuance in multiple registers.
  • Oral Communication - Students present formally and converse informally with native and near-native speakers (ACTFL) in the target language on topics of literary and cultural significance here and abroad in classroom or internship settings. They may present at academic conferences.
  • Cultural Competency and Real-World Experiences - Students apply their language skills and cultural proficiency in ‘real-life’ contexts, including internships both here and abroad, student-teaching, service learning, and study abroad programs.
  • Research - Students build coherent, original, and strong theses in research projects that conform to discipline standards, including the appropriate use and citation of secondary sources. Students may work independently or in collaboration with faculty on larger-scale research projects (SOAR and Honors) in the target language, complete smaller-scale projects in a series of upper-level seminars, or engage in research opportunities abroad.