
Video is a great way to create awareness and to engage your target audience. The video production process, including pre-planning, filming, editing, and reviewing can be time-consuming, regardless of video length. 

How Marketing Can Help

Before a video project request is submitted, you should determine if video is the most effective way to achieve your marketing goals by asking these questions:

  • Will photography be more effective?
  • Can a written message work?
  • Can an animated GIF be used in place of video?
  • Is the content evergreen?

If you’re not sure or would like to discuss these questions further, please reach out to us! We’re happy to advise on best practices and content strategy. Often, a GIF, written message, or similar can be just as effective (or even more!) depending on the communication platform you’re using.

If you find that video is the best route, the following options are available:

Marketing’s Video Project Process

1. Submit a Project Request

The Marketing team can help manage the video production process with outside vendors; including script writing, developing a story board, building shot lists, and more.

2. Sign off on the Creative Brief

Before work begins, Marketing will create and provide you with a creative brief that must be approved and signed. Please ensure the person with the final video approval signs the brief. 

Creative briefs provide more detail than the original project request and assist the marketing team in facilitating the kick-off meeting. All video project creative briefs must be approved by the project supervisor.

3. Attend a Kick-Off Meeting

Video projects generally require a kick-off meeting with the Marketing team. This is when we’ll discuss deliverables and scope, such as video type and length, and determine the project timeline. You will likely need to assist in coordinating filming schedules, locations, and subjects. We’ll use the creative brief as a guide for this meeting. 

4. Video Production (Filming and Editing)

Once video production (filming and editing) begins, any unexpected changes in project scope will result in a delay of project completion.

All videos MUST have closed captioning for accessibility. Please provide a script or written transcript to the Marketing team for closed captioning.

5. Review and give final approval

If there are multiple team members who need to give feedback, it’s most efficient to compile all feedback into one round. 

To make the most of your edit rounds, we recommend focusing on content accuracy (names, titles, spelling, etc.). The Marketing team will work with the production company to ensure the video is aligned with É«ÖÐÉ« University visual identity and follows best practices for your audience and topic. 

We also recommend sharing Version 1 with your approving supervisor. This ensures that larger edits to storyline, content, background music, etc. can be addressed early in the editing process. 

Edits exceeding the recommended three rounds will be completed as bandwidth allows and may result in a delay of your final deliverable.

6. Video distribution and sharing

Based on your intended audience and use, Marketing will share a final file or link that can be used for distribution. 

NOTE: Vimeo links are for internal use only and should not be shared.

Outsourcing videos

In most cases, the Marketing Department will work with you to recommend a video production company to outsource the work. Your department is responsible for any expenses incurred with 3rd party production companies.

Additional information:

  • Marketing can provide the 3rd party production team with access to the É«ÖÐÉ« University visual identity toolkit, which includes official graphics, fonts, animated intros and outros, and more.
  • Raw footage should be provided by the 3rd party to store in É«ÖÐɫ’s video database.
  • A final MOV or MP4 file must be provided to Marketing for uploading to the appropriate social/hosting channels (such as YouTube or Wistia). A caption file must also be included. Videos will not be uploaded without a caption file. 
  • Marketing should be involved in one round of reviews to ensure alignment with É«ÖÐÉ« University visual identity guidelines.

Canva Video Template (DIY Videos)

Sometimes a quick video with still photos and music is all you want—we’ve got you covered! Members of our Canva Pro team have access to a video template complete with É«ÖÐÉ« official intro and outro, colors, and fonts. You can customize this template to your desired length with your photos, messaging, and preferred music. 

Marketing has created a to help you create these videos.

If your department doesn’t yet have access to our Canva account, please reach out to news@moravian.edu.